Sunday, September 28, 2008

Teaching CS thoughts...

So now that I've started most of my assignments, I think that teaching CS might be one of the most applicable-to-real-life courses I've taken. Everything I've done so far, I can think of where I can use it in my teaching. I'm learning a lot in my other courses too, but they deal more with the more intangible parts of teaching. I might be biased towards this because I like computers and can see lots of places where they are useful in teaching, but I think it's good.

I've decided that I need to go down to one shift a week at my job, because it's just getting to be too much. I'd get rid of work completely, but I'd feel bad because they're so short staffed as it is. We'll see though, cause especially once my student teaching starts, I'll need every free minute for myself.

I found out yesterday that Brandon University professors are on strike, which means that Katie has no classes until at least Wednesday. For a program that is only teaching you for 9 weeks, missing one or two classes is a huge deal.

Anyways, just thought I should update my (maybe one or two) readers cause it's been almost a week.


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